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The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories) Page 8

  “Now you are going to suck me,” he said with a smirk. “And if I even feel the tiniest hint of teeth, remember what happens.” I lowered my eyes as he started to undo his zipper. “Hey, look at me bitch!” He demanded. “Do you remember what happens?”

  “Yes, I remember,” I said quietly, raising my eyes and staring blankly as he pulled out his dick. Like his nose, it looked somehow crooked and deformed. The idea of putting it in my mouth disgusted me. He saw me looking at it and wiggled it in the direction of my face. His friends laughed.

  “Do you like this?” he asked, gripped a handful of my hair and pulling my head back so that I was staring up at him.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please don't.”

  “I think she is begging for your cock,” one of his friends joked. A tear rolled down my cheek and I tried to shake my head but he was holding my hair too tightly.

  “Don't make me,” I choked through my tears.

  “She might like it more if you start with something else, ya know?” the man holding the gun said. “Something like this.” He handed the gun to the man who was holding me by my hair. He grinned.

  “I think you're right. Gotta get her all wet and warmed up first, right boys? Such a picky bitch.” He turned to me. “Now you lie down and I'll make you feel all good.” He shoved me to the ground and pulled out a knife. I shrank away but he quickly slipped the knife over the tape holding my ankles together. His careless movement cut my foot as well, but I didn't care. Maybe I would get free now. But the man anticipated my escape plan and pulled my legs apart quickly, holding my thighs to the floor with his knees. He held the gun between my legs and grinned at me with his rotten teeth. “You're gonna like this honey.” I screamed as loud as I could, hoping against desperate hope that he would stop.

  The loud bang of a gunshot rang through the noise, drowning out even my scream. I looked down between my legs in horror, but my parts all still looked intact. He hadn't shot me. But then what had happened? The man who had been assaulting me tipped over slowly, a small trickle of blood pouring out of the side of his mouth. He was dead. I saw the growing red of the bullet hole in his chest. Someone had shot my attacker. I looked around in a daze, trying to understand what was going on. The rest of my tormentors were no longer looking at me. They were facing the door with their arms held above their heads. At the entrance to the warehouse stood Dex, looking furious and dangerous, and five other Night Riders. My world grew fuzzy around the edges. I pushed the drooping corpse off my body and then the world blackened as I passed out again.

  Chapter 10


  I woke up to someone shaking me. I blinked my eyes and Dex was shaking my shoulder hard. I blinked up at him and for a moment, I thought we were alone together and smiled lazily up at him. Then the memories of everything that happened came crashing down and I gasped and quickly looked around.

  “Hey, can you walk?” Dex asked, helping me to my feet. He had already pulled the tape off my wrists and helped steady me as I shakily stood up.

  “I think so,” I responded. Then I remembered.

  “Dex, it's a trap. Peter and Jay and the Vipers...” I was tripping over my words. I took a breath and continued. “They took me so you would show up. They are going to kill you.”

  “Yeah, we figured that it was a trap when we got the whole taunting message about them having you here,” Dex replied, putting his arm around my waist and helping me move towards the door. “But I'm not an idiot you know.” He winked at me and I couldn't help but smile at his ability to have humor, even in this awful situation. “We have a plan. Jason and some of the guys created a diversion so we could get you out of here. We just need to hurry.” I nodded and ran with him, as fast as my tired, sore legs would take me. Dex's arm around me gave me strength. We ran towards a jeep that was parked right outside the door. Dex quickly helped me in and jumped in the driver's seat. The others jumped in the back and we were off.

  No one said anything until we were out of sight of the Viper's warehouse. Finally, the Night Riders all started to cheer and clap. I smiled and looked up at them. I was furious at Dex, but right now I was more grateful for the rescue and his incredible timing. I clapped with them, feeling their energy invigorating me.

  “Hey, what happened to the bikes?” I asked.

  “We stashed them at the new motel we are staying at,” Dex said “It is off the planned track so they won't find us there. We figured this was would be quieter. They were expecting bikes. And a jeep is better for a rescue mission. Speaking of which, we gotta return this before anyone notices it is missing.” I gave him a sharp look and he grinned at me. “Hey, it isn't stealing. Just borrowing. Would you rather we not have rescued you from those disgusting little snakes?” I tried to look disapproving, but I just smiled and shook my head.

  “You really are something else, Dex,” I replied, leaning back and closing my eyes. I was going to celebrate my newfound freedom with a nap.

  I woke up as we pulled into the parking lot of the motel. The rest of the Night Riders were already waiting there for us. Jason had been shot in the arm and one of the others had a huge black eye, but overall they were still in one piece. Even fat old Gary was standing there beaming at us while sweat poured down his face. He looked at me with a pleased expression, like a father who had found his lost daughter on the playground. I smiled back at him, remember how Dex had told me that first night that every single one of those guys, even Gary, would put their lives on the line for him. They had done the same for me.

  “You should see the other guys,” Jason joked as Dex examined his wound. “They went scattering. Think I got a shot at Peter, that little snake.” After they briefed each other on the details, Dex pulled Jason and I aside.

  “Jason, can you take charge of the rest of the Texas sale? I trust you to take the proper precautions. I need to take Sarah home and I need to do it myself.” Jason looked at us and smiled, then nodded and slapped Dex on the back.

  “Sure thing, boss,” he said with a grin.

  Dex helped me up the stairs to my room. He gently lowered me to the bed and I smiled up at his worried expression.

  “Thanks,” I said reaching out and squeezing his hand. “You showed up just in time.” A mix of emotions clouded Dex's face and he turned away. When he looked back, I could see the sadness in his eyes.

  “I'm so sorry Sarah. I'm sorry for getting you involved in all of this and for letting you get kidnapped. You should never have been there. They shouldn't have done those things to you. It is all my fault.” He looked so hurt and so angry at himself that I couldn't stay angry. He had messed up, but his intentions were always good. And in the end, he had been there for me when I needed him.

  “It's okay,” I said quietly, reaching out and squeezing his hand. He squeezed it back and gave me a warm smile. It was different from all his other cute, cocky smiles. He looked loving, grateful, and in that moment all I wanted way him. “Come lie down next to me,” I whispered, patting the bed next to me. He lay down and snuggled up next to me. The small motel bed could barely fit the two of us, especially with Dex's big, muscular body, but it felt nice to have him pressed up so close to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he put an arm around me, pulling me in closer. I smiled up at him and before I knew what happened, we were pressing our lips together, desperately, hungrily.

  I needed him. I needed him to make me feel safe. I needed him to erase the memory of those horrible men who had hurt me. I needed him to ease the fire that was burning inside of me. And he needed me too. His kiss was harsh and needful. His hands gripped my body hard. He was careful not to hurt me, but I could feel his need burning, matching my own. I turned towards him, pressing my whole body hard against the length of his. He groaned and pressed back, pulling me closer, as if I could never be close enough,

  My hands wandered over his body, feeling the hard muscles that rippled over his arms, down the strong torso to his defined abs. I ran my hands over his intricate tattoos,
knowing that they held a story. I made a mental note to ask him about them, but in the moment all I could focus on was my one burning desire. My hand rested at the top of his jeans and I looked up at him, my face full of need and questions. He looked back at me with such protectiveness and desire, that all questions quickly fled my mind. He was the one who was there for me. He was the only one I wanted. I fumbled with the button and pulled down his zipper, finally reaching into his jeans to feel him.

  He gently guided my hand to his hard cock, groaning as I caressed the thick length. I pulled it free from his jeans and pushed back from him to get a better look. It was the longest, thickest cock I had ever seen. I wanted it so badly. I quickly wiggled down so that my head was level with his rigid, rock-hard cock. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to taste him. Dex groaned as I placed my lips against the tip and timidly licked it. He placed his hand gently on my head, caressing my hair as I greedily pushed his cock deep into my mouth. I wanted to have all of him inside of me, I wanted to taste all of him, show him how I felt. My confidence grew as Dex groaned his appreciation of my oral skills. I sucked hard, gripping his long shaft as I pumped him deep into my mouth.

  Too soon, Dex pulled back and placed his hand under my chin, gently tipping my face up towards him. I wanted to keep tasting him, pleasing him.

  “Sarah, you are so fucking good at sucking my cock, but I want a turn now. Let me pleasure you.” Those words stoked the fire that had been burning inside me. I bit my lip in anticipation as Dex sat up and placed himself between my legs. He pushed my skirt up and pulled down my already moistened panties. His fingers gently caressed me slit and he smiled deviously when he felt how wet I already was for him. My body reacted to his touch, more wetness spilled out with each stroke of his fingers. He carefully thrust them inside me, pressing deep while lowering his mouth to my sensitive clit. He licked me with fast, hungry strokes as he fingers pressed deep. I closed my eyes and moaned my pleasure as he worked his magic on my body. I felt lost in his touch and I never wanted to leave.

  “I need you Sarah,” he whispered hoarsely. My eyes fluttered open and I saw his pleading look.

  “I need you too. I need you now,” I replied, my heart beating hard against my chest. I couldn't wait anymore. I wanted him to claim me. “Take me now. Fuck me. I'm yours.”

  “Do you have any protection?” he asked. I had to smile at how responsible and caring he was. Despite being a sexy, violent, dirty biker, he was also a complete gentleman.

  “I'm on the pill,” I responded. He didn't wait for any further confirmation of my desires. Dex pressed himself between my legs, his cock poised at my wet opening. He lowered his lips to mine and kissed me deeply as he thrust hard inside of me. I moaned against his lips as he cock burst through my tight opening and filled me up. He was gentle but insistent, pressing deep inside me and pulling back to thrust again. I rocked my hips against him as he made love to me, as he fucked me. A warm, tingling pleasure spread throughout my body and I found myself pressing back harder as he thrust harder. I wanted to possess him as he possessed me. He gripped my hip hard in one strong hand and brought it up to meet his cock, gently pressing down and massaging my breast with the other. He brought his mouth to my nipple and kissed it, gently drawing it into his mouth. I moaned as my body climbed higher, to levels I had never been. With one hard thrust of his cock, Dex brought me to orgasm, my body shuddering against him as waves of pleasure spread out all the way to my pointed toes and fingertips. Dex pulled back and thrust again, his cock expanding and pulsing inside me as he came in bursts of hot, milky liquid.

  We both collapsed to the bed, exhausted and satisfied. My heartbeat finally slowed and my breath returned to normal as I lay against Dex's chest, our sticky bodies pressed close. I looked up at him and he smiled back at me. In that moment, I knew. I knew that I was his and he was mine.

  “I love you,” I whispered, afraid and excited as the words left my mouth.

  “I love you too,” he responded quickly, leaving no doubt to his sincerity. He pulled me up to him, pressing his lips against mine in a long, soft kiss.

  As I lay curled up against Dex's strong chest, I realized that despite the twists and turns, this journey had taken me exactly where I hoped. I had found what I wanted. I wanted Dex.

  Chapter 11


  The next morning, after a shower with Dex that turned into another round of really hot sex, we packed up and got ready to head back home. Climbing up behind him on the motorcycle felt right. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and felt a thrill surge through my body as he started the bike and we were off. The trip back was much more pleasant than the way there. Dex and I talked, shouting over the sounds of the bike as we passed the beautiful countryside. I learned more about his childhood and he learned more about mine. I told him about my fears, and my dreams of adventure. When we stopped at night in another dingy motel, we spent more time fucking on the bed, in the shower, and against the walls than we did sleeping. In the morning, he woke me up with a soft kiss and then made love to me sweetly and tenderly.

  “You know, I think you owe me a million dollars,” Dex said as he pulled his shirt on. I gave him a confused look. “You bet me a million dollars that I couldn't seduce you, remember? And I'm pretty sure you were begging me to fuck you last night,” he said with a cocky grin.

  I groaned and threw my shirt at him. “You better be careful or you won't get any more of that,” I warned, but couldn't keep from smiling as well. He was right. I was finally happy to be claimed by Dex. Even thinking about it sent a shiver through me. I was his.

  “I love that smart little mouth,” Dex said, coming up behind me. “You are really fucking annoying, but I loved that fire in you, from the very first night. I knew you were something special.” He kissed my neck gently and once again, I couldn't resist him.

  By the time we approached my hometown, I felt a lump in my throat and a fear knotting in my stomach. How could I say goodbye to Dex? How could I return to my old life that I now dreaded. Without Dex, my life would feel empty.

  We pulled up to my place and Dex helped me off the bike. I was sore, but this time I didn't mind. We didn't speak as I unlocked the door and Dex followed me inside. The room was just as we had left it only a few days before.

  “I could stay with you,” Dex said, as if reading my thoughts. “I don't want to leave you.” I threw my arms around him and pulled him close to me. But I knew I couldn't ask him to leave the Night Riders. They were his family. But I wanted to be his family too.

  The unspoken words surrounded us as we both showered up and ate a quick dinner of peanut butter sandwiches at my kitchen table. Dex seemed to understand my need for silence. He just reached across the table and held my hand in his for a few moments, before leading me back to my bedroom.

  Dex pulled me down onto the bed with him and kissed me deeply, like he was afraid he would never get the chance again. He slowly peeled the clothes off my sore, tired body and kissed gently down my throat. His lips were warm against my skin and I closed my eyes, letting him work his way down my body. He moved torturously slowly, as if he were memorizing each curve of my body. We made love desperately, both too afraid to admit it might be the last time.

  Dex fell asleep with his strong, heavy arm around my waist. I snuggled up to him, basking in the afterglow. Looking at the chiseled plains of his sleeping face, I realized that I couldn't say goodbye. I could go with him. I could live out the adventures that had always filled my dreams. I realized that for the first time, I was willing to give up the safety and security of the known and enter the unknown. As long as Dex was by my side, I would always be home.


  I jumped up in excitement from the motel bed where I had been reading my trashy romance novel. I heard Dex's motorcycle pulling up and I couldn't wait to throw my arms around him and show him the sexy little outfit I had picked out just to turn him on. Dex walked through the door, his manly stride filling the space with his impos
ing presence. I thought back to when I had first seen him and thought that he was frightening, despite my instant physical attraction to him. I laughed at myself. Dex might look like a big, bad biker but despite that tough exterior he was the kindest, most loving man I had ever met. I never felt safer than when I was in his arms.

  I went to throw my arms around him and Dex caught me in his strong arm, pulling me tight to his chest and kissing the top of my head. I smiled up at him and he beamed right back. It took a moment before I realized that he was keeping one arm hidden behind his back. I pushed back from him and tried to get a peek, but Dex kept turning, keeping his surprise hidden.

  “Dex! What is it?” I demanded. I could tell he was enjoying messing with me. I stood and planted my hands on my hips, doing my best to look annoyed but failing miserably as he grinned at me.

  “I got you a present,” he replied. “But first you need to close your eyes.” I closed my eyes obediently, even managing not to take a tiny peek as I waited. I wanted to give Dex the satisfaction of surprising me. I felt Dex place something over my shoulders. It felt heavy, but not uncomfortable. “Okay, open your eyes now,” he said excitedly. My eyes snapped open and I looked over at the mirror on the opposite wall. Dex had placed a leather jacket on my shoulders. I pulled it off so I could get a better look and grinned right back at him. It was a smaller version of the jacket that he and all of the Night Riders wore, including my own patch. I was now officially a member of the Night Riders Motorcycle Club. I pulled the jacket on and admired myself in the mirror. I looked like a tough bitch. And I felt like one too. I was so different from the sheltered girl Dex had met in that bar only one month ago. I threw my arms around him.