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The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories) Page 7

  We had dinner at a small pub and several of the guys got ridiculously drunk and starting singing. I laughed along with the rest of them, feeling like maybe I did finally belong. After dinner, Dex and I went for a little walk. There wasn't much around except for fields, highways, and parking lots, but it didn't matter. We wandered over to a bench at the edge of the parking lot. It wasn't a terribly romantic location, but we did have a nice view of the corn fields instead of the highway.

  “I'm glad you came along with us,” Dex said quietly. “And I'm glad you stayed.”

  “So am I,” I whispered back.

  We didn't talk anymore. Dex just pulled me close, and before I even realized what was happening, our lips were pressed together hungrily. His kiss was warm and soft, comforting and protecting. His lips were soft but slightly chapped. Perfectly imperfect, just like him. I pressed my lips harder to his, gently parting them with my tongue. Dex groaned against me and returned my passion. His tongue explored my mouth while our lips pressed hard and brushed soft, exploring one another desperately. I was lost in his kiss. I wanted him, wanted more. I pressed my body against his, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him close. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me even tighter to him. I felt a need inside of me that I had been pressing down for far too long. I wanted him to take me, to touch me. I pressed against him harder, feeling my soft breasts against his hard, muscular chest.

  A loud ringing sound broke through the moment. Dex pulled back and I looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed that I had just thrown myself at him like that. Dex stared at his phone and picked it up.

  “What!” he said angrily into the phone. He listened for a moment. “Fuck! Shit! Ok, I'll be there in a minute. Yes, she's with me.” He hung up and jumped to his feet, pulling on my hand so hard I stumbled as I stood.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “The Vipers,” was his only reply as we started running.

  I panted, out of shape as we raced towards the motel where the Night Riders had parked their bikes for the night. I didn't understand what was going on. I didn't know what the Vipers were or why we were running.

  “Shit!” Dex cursed as we approached the motel. I looked over and saw what he was talking about. The Night Riders were gathered around their bikes, with guns pointed at another group. Across from them stood another group next to their motorcycles, dressed in similar leather jackets, but with different patches. The Vipers. I finally saw a familiar face in the new group. Peter stood there, next to several men pointing guns at the Night Riders, and he wore an evil smirk on his face.

  “Hey there Dex. Nice of you to join us,” one of the Vipers called out. He stood at the front of the group, apparently their leader. “Peter here decided that he was really a Viper on the inside. A real change of heart. He feels really bad about you guys moving all that merchandise through our territory. Gave me all the details,” the man sneered.

  Dex tensed beside me and gave me a slight push behind him. I didn't resist, suddenly feeling a chill run through me. I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but this sounded like bad news.

  “We aren't doing anything in your territory, Jay,” Dex called back. “We're just passing through here on our way to Texas. And this is the last time. On my word. We don't want any trouble.”

  Jay laughed and it sounded hollow. He looked around at the rest of the Vipers and they nodded.

  “Yeah, you play innocent real well Dex, but we heard from Peter that you plan to continue defying us and moving merchandise in our territory. You won't get off so easy anymore. For moving through our territory, we're gonna take a bit of tax from you. And if we see you here again, well heads will roll. You got it?”

  Dex flexed his fists at his side and cursed under his breath, but just replied with a nod. Two Vipers grabbed a bag from one of the Night Riders I had barely met, Max. They turned to leave but Peter didn't move.

  “Hey, what about the girl?” he called out to Jay. Jay turned and shrugged, but Peter didn't seem satisfied. He grabbed a gun from his waistband and aimed at me. I didn't even have time to scream as the bullet zipped towards me. Luckily, Peter's aim was pretty crap and the bullet only grazed my shoulder. It still hurt like a motherfucker though. I cried out and crumpled to the ground, grasping at my bleeding shoulder. Dex turned to help me, but the rest of the Night Riders had trained their guns straight at Peter. He dropped his gun and held his hands up in mock defeat.

  “She's just some slut,” he taunted. “You guys really want to lose your lives over her?” Dex looked up and gave a quick shake of his head. No one fired, but the guns remained trained on Peter as he and the rest of the Vipers hopped on their bikes and took off.

  Chapter 8


  Once the Vipers were out of sight, Dex gently helped me to my feet. He reached over and ripped the neck of my shirt open so he could peel it off my shoulder. Jason had run to get some water and Dex carefully dabbed at the wound, cleaning up the blood and any dirt that could infect it. Once it was cleaned, the wound didn't look so bad. The bullet had only grazed my shoulder. It bled a lot, but the wound was actually pretty shallow. Dex declared that I probably wouldn't even need stitches but he would be happy to take me to the nearest hospital if I wanted. I shook my head. I didn't want to have to explain how I got the wound until I knew what was going on and I also didn't want a ridiculous hospital bill for a nurse to just slap a bandage on me. I could see that it would probably heal up fine on its own in a few days.

  Dex and Jason helped me up to the motel room. I finally collapsed into the chair and stared at Dex.

  “Alright, talk! Time to tell me what is going on.” Dex turned and gave Jason a meaningful look. Jason glared at him, but turned and left the room. Dex sat across from me, on the edge of the bed, and reached out to take my hand.

  “I'm sorry,” he started. “I'm sorry I got you involved in any of this. Jason warned me that bringing you along was dangerous. I was too stubborn to listen.”

  “Yeah, but why? Why did the Vipers show up? What is this about territory and merchandise? Tell me everything.” Dex sighed and nodded.

  “Alright, I'll tell you everything. But you probably will wish you didn't know,” Dex warned. “We aren't just on a trip for no reason. We are transporting some merchandise to Texas. It is part of a deal the club made several years ago, to sell some guns to these guys down there. It is leftover from the least generation of leadership, but we couldn't break the contract and have a bad rep. We also need to complete the deal to get the final paycheck. Jason and I have been working on taking the Night Riders into legal businesses and setting up a more permanent base somewhere. This is going to be our last run. Then we are free. I was just sick of so many people getting hurt, dying, going to jail. People I cared about.” Dex stopped and looked down for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and continued. “Peter didn't like the idea of going straight and wanted to oust me. When that failed, he went and told the Vipers about our deal and what we were transporting, but it seems that he was pretty liberal in sprinkling some lies in there as well. Now the Vipers think we're trying to poach their buyers in their territory and they aren't likely to let us get away with it.” Dex stopped and took a deep breath, looking at me pleadingly.

  A million thoughts swirled in my head. I had known these guys were bad news when I first saw them walk into that bar, but I'd let Dex win me over with all his talk of stereotyping and adventure. Now I was mixed up in some serious dangerous shit, illegal firearms trade, and I had just been shot at. Not to mention the attempted rape. I was done. I just couldn't do this anymore.

  “Dex...I'm happy for you that you want to turn this club legitimate and all of that, but I need to go now. You lied to me and got me involved in some serious deep shit. I can't do this anymore. I'm going home.” I thought he would argue, but Dex just nodded sadly. “I'm close enough to home that I can just take a bus. I'm gonna go over to the bus station now and buy a ticket.”

  “I under
stand,” Dex said sadly. “Let me drop you off.” I agreed and after quickly bandaging up my shoulder, changing into my favorite comfortable yellow sundress, and packing up all my belongings, I met Dex down by his bike. I got on behind him once last time for the short ride to the bus station. Luckily, I was able to purchase a ticket for the bus that left in less than an hour.

  “I could wait with you,” Dex said hopefully, but I shook my head.

  “I don't think that's a good idea,” I replied. “Goodbye Dex. And good luck.”

  “I hope you find everything you are looking for,” he replied as he hopped back up on his bike and took off. I sat on the bench outside and folded my hands in my lap, trying hard not to cry. I felt sad to be leaving Dex, angry that he had involved me in all of this, and frustrated that my adventure had turned into something so messed up. It was quiet out, so I decided to just lean back and close my eyes for a bit.

  I was woken up by a hand clamping over my mouth. My eyes flew open just in time to see a dark bag pulled over my face. Someone wrapped what felt like duct tape around my wrists and ankles so I couldn't move. I was thrown onto a cold metal floor and I heard a door slam. I screamed now, but I was pretty sure it was too late. I felt around on the floor, but there was nothing there. Just cold metal everywhere I touched.

  I felt a jolt and heard the squeal of tires as I was thrown again the wall. I was in a van. Where were they taking me? Who were they? And why were they taking me? What were they going to do? How could I get out of there? The thoughts swirled through my head and my heart beat loudly in my chest. I tried to stabilize myself against the wall of the van, but we took a sharp turn and I went tumbling again. I was going to have to free my hands if I wanted a chance to get out of here when the door opened. When we got to wherever we were going.

  I felt around, trying to find a sharp edge to rub against the duct tape that secured my hands behind my back. I figured I could cut them free, then quickly untape my ankles and make a run for it as soon as the doors opened. Having a plan made me feel slightly better. Keeping focused stopped me from imagining what my kidnappers might do to me if I didn't escape. I finally felt something sharp in one of the corners. I carefully positioned my wrists against it and started rubbing as hard as I could. I could feel a tiny rip forming in the duct tape. I rubbed faster and the metal bit into my skin with each movement. I could feel the sting and the blood staring to drip down my hands, making a slippery, sticky mess. But I didn't stop. I couldn't.

  The van came to an abrupt halt and I was thrown across the floor again. In a panic, I tried to rip my hands free, but the tape was not torn enough. I couldn't get out. I couldn't escape.

  I heard loud footsteps and talking, then heard the door opened. Someone reached over and pulled the bag off my head. I blinked as the harsh light of a flashlight shone in my face. Peter was standing over me smirking with of the Vipers who had shown up early. Shit! I thought. Of course it was him. How could I have been so stupid? I tried to lash out and kick him, but I knew it was hopeless. They outnumbered me, were stronger than me, and had weapons. And I was still bound at the wrists and ankles. Peter just laughed as I flailed on the floor.

  “Alright, you guys bring her in. I think Jay's going to be pretty pleased with our hostage. I have a feeling Dex'll be coming for you.” He said the last part to me, but it didn't sound comforting. “We'll be waiting for him. And if he doesn't come, then we'll just have some fun with you anyway. Win-win, right boys?” The three men laughed and picked me up by my arms and legs, as if I were a sack of flour.

  “You won't get away with this,” I warned. It came out more pleading than threatening and I had to blink back tears. My rage was turning to panic and I needed to hide the weakness from them. “If you let me go now, I won't tell Dex. I'll just leave and you and the Night Riders can sort out whatever bullshit feud you have going on. I have no interest in them or in Dex.” My voice sounded more confident now. Maybe when they realized I wasn't involved, they would let me go.

  Peter laughed harshly. “Good to know that you've seen what a piece of shit Dex is. But I'm afraid you are very much involved now. Dex seems to think your his property. His pretty little pet. And now we have leverage. Jay isn't too happy with the Night Riders invading his territory and he isn't going to just let a juicy little piece of leverage like you just go walking on out of here.” The men dropped me on the floor of a room. It looked like a dirty warehouse. It was mostly dark, except for one light swinging overhead in the middle ominously. With that, the men turned and shut the door behind them. I'm so fucked, I thought as I collapsed against the wall.

  I must have fallen asleep because I was awoken by a flashlight shining straight into my face. I blinked and tried to make out who was standing there. He was standing there silently, just observing me. My eyes finally adjusted and I realized it was Jay, the President of the Vipers. I felt a sudden hope. Maybe I could reason with him, explain that Peter had things all wrong. Maybe he would realize I wasn't involved and would let me go.

  “So you're the girl that's got Dex acting all stupid,” Jay finally said. I wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement so I just nodded. “Not sure what's so great about you. Nice tits obviously, but that isn't enough to risk everything he's got for. Maybe you've got a real magical cunt. I think I'll have to give it a try,” he licked his lips and I had to fight back my revulsion. I needed to get out of there. I needed to escape.

  “Please, you have to listen,” I said, my voice wavering. His eyebrows shot up in a look that told me he didn't have to do anything, but he let me continue. “Peter lied to you. Dex and the Night Riders aren't trying to poach your territory. They are just passing through to Texas. And this is their last run. Also, I'm not involved with them. I was just heading home when your guys took me. I just want to go home.” My voice came out pleading. I stopped because I knew if I kept going, I would start crying. I couldn't cry in front oh him. I wouldn't. Jay crouched down next to me and smiled. My heart surged with hope.

  “What a sweet, innocent little thing you are,” he said as he looked me over. “But what you don't realize is that I don't give a shit. Dex pisses me off. I want his contacts in Texas. I want in on that money. And I want to fucking annihilate the Night Riders. Do you understand? I know Peter is full of shit, but I don't care. He gave me the perfect excuse. And now I have you. And apparently Dex gets all silly and school girl around you, so I'm keeping you here until he comes to get you. And then I'm going to kill him and get the Texas contacts from one of those assholes he runs with and then kill anyone who won't join me. And in the meantime, my boys and I are in need of something to stick our dicks into. Do you understand?” Jay stared at me with a cold, emotionless expression. Then he stood up and without another word, he strode out of the warehouse.

  Once the door slammed shut, I realized that my entire body was shaking. I finally let go and let myself cry. The tears came rushing down my cheeks and sobs racked my body. I collapsed on the floor and cried until I was too exhausted to cry anymore. How had I been so stupid? I should have left that bar as soon as Dex and his gang arrived. I never should have agreed to go with him. What was I thinking? Now, here I was kidnapped and tied up in a warehouse and I was going to be raped by the most filthy, evil men I had ever met. And Dex. My heart constricted. They were going to kill him. I knew that it should be the last of my worries. I should worry about myself, not what happens to Dex. He was the one that got me into this situation. But I couldn't help imagining Jay and Peter shooting him full of bullets and leaving his cold dead body on the ground. It sent a chill through me. Maybe he won't come for you, I told myself. I wasn't sure if the thought comforted me or broke my heart, but I kept repeating it. Maybe he won't come.

  Chapter 9


  Hours passed. I didn't know how many. I just lay slumped against the warehouse wall, too exhausted to even struggle against my restraints anymore. I had spent the first hour or so after Jay left trying to wriggle out of the tape around
my wrists and ankles, but it had just left me tired and my skin rubbed raw. I couldn't get free. I would have to wait. Wait for my kidnappers to show up. Wait to see what they would do to me. Wait for the inevitable.

  Finally, I heard footsteps. They were coming for me. I shrank back against the wall as the warehouse door opened. It was light outside now. I had passed the night alone, in the warehouse. No one knew I was there. No one would come save me. No one would call the cops. But I was going to fight. I decided that there was nothing they could do to make me stop fighting. I probably wasn't getting out of there alive anyway.

  Five of the Vipers walked towards me. They were all big, muscular men. They looked tough, and they were looking at me like I was a tasty piece of meat. I tried to hold onto my resolve to fight, but I wanted to just shrink against the wall. The group stopped short in front of me and leered.

  “Can I get first crack at her?” one of the guys asked. “I like 'em when they are still wiggling around and crying.” The men laughed.

  “Sure, I prefer when they've already been roughed up a little and know how to behave. Wouldn't want her trying to bite my cock off,” the fatter one next to him replied. The first guy walked up to me and kicked me in the stomach. A wave of pain and nausea shot through me and I curled up in a ball with a sharp sob. So much for fighting.

  “Listen bitch,” the man leaned over me and hissed down at me. “You try anything funny and Danny over there shoots you.” He gestured to one of the guys who was calmly holding a pistol. “And not to kill. He'll shoot you in the cunt. You got it?” I whimpered and nodded. What the fuck was I supposed to do? I knew the men wouldn't hesitate to carry out their threats.

  The man lowered his face to me. Up close, he looked grotesque. His teeth were yellowed and his breath against my cheek smelled sour and rotten. His nose looked like it had been broken and healed crooked and his scraggly stubble from not shaving for several days looked patchy. I tried to wiggle away from him but he grabbed my face and turned it towards him. He pressed his mouth against mine so hard that our teeth knocked together. I gagged as he shoved his tongue deep into my throat. It felt more like a threat than a kiss as he gripped my face hard enough to leave bruises and smashed his filthy mouth against mine. He tasted like alcohol and sour meat. When he finally pulled back I gagged and coughed while he and his friends laughed.