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The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories) Page 4

  The bikers pulled back, finally giving me room to catch my breath and recover. My body was a trembling mess and I was completed covered in cum. The bikers looked at me with pride, like I was a masterpiece that they had created.

  “So, did you enjoy yourself, honey?” the leader asked me, stepping forward from the group. Too exhausted to speak, I just nodded. He laughed. “See? Told you that you would. But looks like you might need another shower. No shenanigans this time. We gotta get our sleep before the road tomorrow and you gotta get back out there before you get fired.” The bikers helped me to my feet and into the shower. I cleaned myself off and got dressed again, trying to make myself look as presentable as possible. My body still felt shaky from the hot gang bang I had just experienced. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I walked to the door and turned around.

  “Thank you, for, you know...” I said awkwardly, unsure if I should be thanking them for everything that had just happened. The leader smiled and the rest of the bikers laughed.

  “Anytime honey,” he said. “We'll come by again when we come through again. We've still got some more tricks up our sleeves.” I walked back to the front office, still basking in the glow of excitement from my tryst with the biker gang.


  Night Riders MC

  by Marjorie Lux

  Copyright 2014 Marjorie Lux

  All rights reserved.


  Night Riders MC

  Book design by Marjorie Lux

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1: Alone

  Chapter 2: Lost

  Chapter 3: Found

  Chapter 4: Rejected

  Chapter 5: Deceived

  Chapter 6: Attacked

  Chapter 7: Betrayed

  Chapter 8: Taken

  Chapter 9: Hurt

  Chapter 10: Rescued

  Chapter 11: Claimed


  Chapter 1.


  I always thought my knight in shining armor would show up in a nicely tailored suit and woo me with poetry. Well, it didn't exactly turn out that way. My knight came into my life on a Harley, covered in sweat and dirt. He was everything I never expected and everything I needed.

  It was a few weeks after my twenty-fifth birthday and school was out for the summer. I had just finished my third year teaching history to middle school students who couldn't care less about Napoleon or George Washington, and I was hoping for an adventure. Unfortunately, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska and there wasn't much adventure to be had. I begged my friend Stacy to go on a trip with me, but she was married and had an infant at home. The most she would commit to was a night out at a bar in another town.

  “Is this skirt too short?” I asked Stacy, turning around so she could see how much (or how little) of my ass was covered?

  “Psh, short is what we are going for here,” Stacy replied with a snort. “You look hot. That skirt is perfect. It will help get you a man, and Sarah you really need to get laid soon.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I replied sarcastically, but decided to keep the skirt. Stacy was right. I hadn't had sex or even kissed a guy since my last boyfriend and I broke up almost a year ago. I was only twenty-five, but already starting to feel like an old maid. It wasn't that men weren't interested in me. With my long, thick blonde hair, and slim but curvy figure, men hit on me pretty much everywhere I went. But there weren't many attractive, interesting eligible men in my small town and by now most of them had left for the excitement of a big city or had settled down and gotten married.

  I thought I was going to marry my last boyfriend, John. We had been high school sweethearts and everything was just story-book perfect. He and Stacy's husband had been good friends and Stacy and I planned to be each other's bridesmaids and live next door to one another after our weddings. And then I walked in on John getting a blowjob from another woman. My fairytale had come crashing down. I kicked John out and he had moved out of state somewhere, but not before telling me that he had been cheating on me for most of our relationship. After that, I had lost any desire to seek out a new relationship. And now that I was ready again, it seemed like all the men were gone or married.

  Maybe the next town over would have an eligible man or two. I wouldn't even mind a brief fling at this point. Although some serious Jane Austen-style romance wouldn't be so bad. It was summer and it was time for some love, adventure, and possibly some hot, mind-blowing sex for my poor, deprived and neglected womanly parts.

  I tugged gently on my skirt, making sure it covered the important parts as I followed Stacy out to her car. We had never been to the bar we were going to, but Stacy's husband said it had a reputation among the guys as a great, fun place to hang out and drink some beers. It took over twenty minutes to get there, and when we finally pulled up, I turned and gave Stacy a dubious look. The bar was out in the middle of nowhere, which taken alone was not too uncommon for the area, but the building looked old and sketchy. Overall, it didn't really look like a promising place to meet my prince charming.

  “Hey, don't judge it before we go inside,” Stacy proclaimed. “There might be some really hot farmers in there.” She laughed but didn't look too hopeful. We got out of the car and smoothed down our hair and outfits before entering the dingy establishment.

  The inside definitely matched the outside, with dim lighting and worn pool tables that looked pretty filthy. The air reeked of smoke and beer. I sighed, giving up on my hopes of finding an attractive college professor or lawyer who would discuss Shakespeare with me and take me back to his place tonight. The only men around were much older or looked like they had never heard of Shakespeare in their lives. I made a beeline for the bar and ordered Stacy and myself a round of beers. At least I could still get drunk so the night wouldn't be a total waste.

  As I waited for the beers, Stacy's cellphone rang and she ran outside to take the call. She came back in just as the bartender handed me the cold drinks.

  “I'm so sorry Sarah. My hubby called and he said the baby is sick. I need to head home. I know you wanted this to be a fun night and all. I promise to make it up to you.” She looked really guilty so I tried to hide my disappointment.

  “Hey, don't worry about it,” I replied with a forced cheerfulness. “You go ahead. I'm going to finish these drinks and I'll call another friend or my brother to pick me up. You go take care of your family.”

  “Thanks, hun.” She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I promise we'll have a good night out soon and find you a man. You'll have your own family soon enough.” I nodded, swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat. I couldn't blame her for needing to put her family first, but I suddenly felt really alone.

  I took a swig of my beer as I watched Stacy hurry out the door to rush back to her new little family. I was pretty sure the night was going to be a complete dud now, but I figured I might as well get drunk before calling someone to pick me up. I downed the first beer quickly and got started on the second. It didn't take me long to drain the second one either, so I decided it was time to move on to something a little stronger. I ordered a rum and coke from the burly bartender and surveyed the room. I realized that I was the only woman in the establishment. Given the ratty décor and the lack of anything pink or girly on the drink menu, it wasn't all that surprising. Plus, it wasn't like there were any attractive guys to chat up here either.

  I turned back to the bar to focus on my drink. The bartender had made it strong, possibly in pity for my current sad situation. I flashed him a smile between sips, hoping he would interpret my gratitude and not mistake it for flirtation. I was almost to the bottom of my glass when I heard a loud sound outside. It was like a chorus of motors, mixed with the loud hum of deep voices. It grew louder and then stopped outside the door. Before I had a chance to ask the bartender what was up, the door burst open and in walked a pack of big, muscled men decked out in heavy leather vests covered with patches. Apparently the bar was being occupied b
y a motorcycle gang. Just my luck.

  I decided to try and blend in and avoid eye contact. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with a group of dirty, misogynist biker guys who wanted to look tough in front of their buddies. They were the type of guys I had avoided in high school. I understood why some women were attracted to bad boys, but I had always wanted a man who was kind and gentle and good. I was done being treated poorly by egotistical assholes. I wanted someone I could count on, in all areas of life. I thought I had found that in my ex, but obviously I had been wrong. I needed to find someone who was better than him, kinder and more trustworthy and reliable. Seeking out danger would not get me there.

  I turned and stared at my drink as the men poured into the bar. Suddenly, the room felt smaller as the men took over the space and filled it with noise. The room smelled smokey and like dirt and sweat. I tried not to pay attention, but I couldn't help a peek to the side as I watched the men fill the room. A few of them approached the bar and yelled at the bartender for some beers. He quickly poured them out and passed them to the bikers.

  A few of the bikers suddenly seemed to notice my presence and I saw some elbowing and gesturing in my direction and some barely whispered words about me. I grabbed my glass tightly, willing them to just walk away and leave me alone. Of course, I had no such luck. After a few seconds, one large, older biker approached me. He looked strong, but had a fat beer belly that betrayed his poor lifestyle. As he approached, my nose was assaulted with the stench of body odor and beer. I tried to turn my back towards him, but the man grabbed my shoulder.

  “Hey there,” the man said with a gap-toothed smile. “Aren't you a pretty little thing, sitting here all by yourself.” He brought his face close to mine and his sour breath assaulted my nose. “ Looks like you got all gussied up to find a man and haven't had any luck yet, huh?” I cursed myself for picking such a revealing outfit. “I can guarantee I'm man enough for you. Let me take you out back and show you what a real man feels like,” the man continued, placing one dirty hand on my thigh. I tried to twist out of his grip.

  “No thanks,” I replied curtly. “I'm not interested.”

  “Hey now,” the man said, a slight threatening tone entering his voice. “That's not very nice of you. I made you a nice little offer and you should be grateful. Others wouldn't be so gentle.” He gestured his head to his pack of friends snickering behind him. My heart jumped to my throat, and I slid off the stool, trying to walk towards the door. The man blocked my path. “Awh now, don't be such a sour bitch and leave so quick. I just wanna have a bit of fun.” I felt panic rising now and I quickly tried to shove the large man out of my path. He stumbled back a bit and anger filled his face. I whipped my head around, trying to see if I could make it to the exit before anyone stopped me. Just as I started to move, another man moved between me and the door.

  Chapter 2


  “Hey, don't worry,” the man standing between me and my exit hissed in my ear. “No one is going to hurt you.” I stared at him, but he looked over at the larger man. Then he spoke loudly enough for everyone in the bar to hear. “I'm claiming this one as mine. You know the rules. None of you are allowed to touch her. That includes you, Gary. She is now the property of the Night Rider's President and I expect you all to follow the code.”

  The men nodded. The larger man, apparently named Gary, looked pissed, but he nodded and turned away. I glanced angrily at the new man. His property!? Who did he think he was. On second glance, I realized that he was actually incredibly attractive. He wasn't my usual clean cut type, but under the dirt and roughness, he was really hot. He was muscular and cut, with shaggy, unkempt brown hair and flashing, intelligent green eyes. His skin was tanned to a beautiful, sun-kissed brown. I hesitated for a moment, but my anger won over my attraction quickly.

  “You claim me?” I exclaimed to him angrily as the noisy roar of conversation returned around us. “You can't fucking claim me. I'm not property. And I'm certainly not your property.” I was fuming, but he was smiling at my lazily, like I was somehow amusing him.

  “Come on now, honey,” he said. “I was just helping you out. No one here will bother you, now that I've claimed you. None of my guys would harm you. But they do like having a bit of fun and can be kind of persistent in their pursuit of beautiful women. I was just trying to make your life easier since you looked so upset. Sorry your delicate little feelings got hurt in the process.” His eyes flashed with humor, but I was filled with rage.

  “My feelings? Seriously? Your friend just tried to assault me and then you acted like I am your property. I don't even know you. And I don't want to.” My voice wavered a little but I stood strong and placed a hand on my hip for dramatic effect.

  “Hey now, don't be dramatic. You are judging us all wrong,” the man replied casually, as if the conversation bored him. “I bet you think you are so superior to us with your prim little attitude. Wouldn't want to mix with the low class bikers, right?” I couldn't tell if he was genuinely offended or messing with me, but he stared straight into my eyes with his piercing green gaze. I couldn't look away.

  “It sounds like you are the one judging me,” I replied. “And all I want right now is to go home and pretend like tonight never happened.”

  “Awh, don't be like that,” the man said. “I didn't mean to make you all depressed. I'm actually a pretty fun guy. So are my buddies here. They might be a little rough around the edges, but once you get to know them, you'll find that there was never a better group of guys. Stick around for a drink and I promise that we'll make sure you get home safe.” I wasn't sure why, but I agreed. I guess I wasn't ready to call the night a total failure just yet.

  “Alright,” I agreed. “One drink. But I would prefer to go home in a car. Not on some dangerous motorcycle.” The man laughed.

  “You really need to loosen up. Here, have a seat and I'll get you your drink.” I huffed, but sat down until he brought my drink over. I realized that I was already a bit tipsy and drinking more was not a great idea, but drinking was the only thing that helped calm my nerves and I needed it after everything that had just happened.

  The stranger sat down next to me with his beer and turned to face me. Even the way he sat was so macho, with he legs out wide and his elbow leaned casually against the bar. I sighed.

  “So honey, what's your story then?” the stranger asked.

  “I don't have a story,” I replied defiantly. “What's your story? How did you end up being such a misogynistic pig who pals around with guys who treat women badly?” I asked sharply in return. I knew I was drunk and being a little harsh, but it felt good to let out my feelings.

  “Ouch,” the stranger replied, placing his hand over his heart and making a fake pained expression. “You wound me. My story is pretty simple. Bet you can guess it. Grew up in broken home. My dad left when I was little. My mom was a drug addict. My uncle was part of this outlaw motorcycle club, the Night Riders and introduced me to bikes. It was my escape. They became my family. I never left. I know we seem kinda rough, but these guys have saved my life multiple times. They are all good guys. And none of them have ever hurt a woman. It is in our code and anyone who hurt a woman would be kicked out immediately. Gary is a jerk who likes to fuck around, but he wouldn't have actually done anything to you.” As he spoke, I felt most of my anger melt away. He seemed so sincere and looked around at the bikers in the bar with genuine love and admiration.

  “Alright,” I replied. “My story is predictable too. I found love, he cheated. Now I feel lost.” I was surprised at myself for being so honest, but something about his honesty made me want to be honest in return. And maybe all the alcohol I had consumed played a role in that as well. The man looked at me with a serious expression, but a twinkle in his eye.

  “You know, not all men are bad. I wouldn't cheat on you, darling,” he said in a sugary sweet voice.

  “Yeah, in your dreams,” I replied. “You aren't exactly my type.”

  “And what
's your type?” he asked in a serious tone this time.

  “I like nice guys. The ones who are from good families and want to settle down and have a good wife and family.” I said it with determination, looking at him in a way that I hoped conveyed that he was none of those things.

  “Yeah, and how did that work out for you so far?” he asked. I had to admit he had a point. “Your making judgments based on all the wrong things sweetheart.”

  “And what do you think the right things are?” I retorted. “Smelly leather and loud bikes that prove how manly you are?”

  “No, I think you are looking at the superficial things, not the real indications of someone's character. That's how you ended up with that last loser who cheated on you. And that is how you ended up so unsatisfied with your life. You need to relax and be happy with yourself. Learn to have fun and not judge everyone based on what your mommy told you.”

  I blushed deeply, feeling his judgment. He was partially right, but he was being such a dick about it that I didn't want to admit it. And staying angry felt so much better.

  “I would never go for a guy like you,” I replied curtly. “You bad boys always think you have a heart of gold, but in reality, you just use that as an excuse to do bad things and treat people badly. Is it really so bad to act civilized and treat people with respect?” The stranger laughed.

  “Alright, whatever you want sweetheart. But what makes you think I would want to be with such a bitter woman? I'll admit you've got nice tits, sexy legs, and a pretty face. But you're wound tighter than virgin's pussy and I bet you think sex involves just lying there with your eyes closed and thinking of England. So don't get all uppity about yourself.”